How Do I Close the Damper for the Summer Season?

How Do I Close The Damper For The Summer Season

A fireplace adds ambiance to your home in the winter. It may help you save on your heating costs by providing enough warmth when it’s cooler so that you don’t have to run your heater. During the summer, the fireplace is inefficient for air conditioning. You don’t want to cool the chimney or lose cool air through the vents. Consider sealing your chimney for the summer months to avoid losing efficiency.

When you’re not using your wood burning system make sure the damper is in the closed position to avoid losing heat or air conditioning.

How Do I Seal My Fireplace In The Summer?

To seal a masonry fireplace, one that is structural to your home, your best option is a top-sealing, or energy-saving damper, because it prevents airflow and holds in heat in the winter and keeps heat out in the summer. A top-sealing version caps the chimney, rather than the throat of the flue. A top ceiling version is very energy efficient because it is airtight, saving you money when you are not using your fireplace.

Should I Clean My Fireplace Before Closing It For the Summer?

The CSIA recommends that an open masonry stove should be swept when one-eighth of sooty buildup is present. This varies by use, so you have to look at your chimney when you’re closing it up to determine whether you should clean it or not. You should also know that The National Fire Protection Association Standard 211 recommends annual fireplace cleaning and inspection regardless of whether you use it or not. This is to keep your stack free of animals and to prevent deterioration that could affect the structural integrity of your home.

How Do I Close The Damper For The Summer Season How Do I Seal My Fireplace In The Summer

What’s the Difference Between a Damper & a Flue?

The flue is the middle part where smoke goes up. It’s the pipe that moves ash, smoke and gas out of the house into the air. The flue also acts as an insulation to keep the stack from getting exposed to the extreme heat of the fire. The damper is often called a flue, but it actually is much different. The damper shuts off the flue. Usually, the damper is located at the base of the flue. It will have a handle or chain that lets you open and close it.

Should My Chimney Damper Be Open in the Summer?

Dampers are also made to be closed when you aren’t using the fireplace. Keeping it closed in the summer keeps out the hot air from outside. It prevents your AC from overworking to compensate for the hot air that comes in. Some people believe that the stack needs to air out in the summer, but the heat and humidity actually make odors more obvious.

Chimney Cleaning Keeps You Safe.

If you’re ready to stop using your wood-burning system for the season, clean them to avoid obnoxious odors during the summer season. Contact Chimney Draft Doctor for more information or to order a virtual inspection or rent chimney sweep equipment.

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